Vocabulary 203 Copy

Adhipati marma – head crown marma

Agnikarma – heat application

Ahiṃsā – non harming

Ajñā marma – third eye marma

Ālepa – Type of paste with medium thickness

Anguli parimāṇa – finger unit of respective individual

Annavaha Srotas – food channel

Aparigraha – non hoarding

Ardha Matsyendrāsana – Half Lord of the fishes pose, half spinal twist pose balancing tridoṣa

Āsana – posture, yoga pose, 3rd limb of yoga

Aṣtāṅga yoga – system of eight limbs of yoga, developed by Sage Patañjali;

Asteya – non stealing

Asthi marma – prominent marma of bones

Asthivaha Srotas – bone channel

Balāsana – Child’s pose, kneeling resting pose

Basti – Medicated enemas

Bhakti yoga – type of yoga – the path of devotion, unconditional love for God through devotional worship, mantra, chanting, singing, dancing and etc.

Bhasrikā – Bellows breath, rapid and forceful process of inhalation and exhalation powered by the movement of the diaphragm

Bhāti – to shine

Bhrama – vertigo

Brahmacarya – chastity

Brahmarandandhra marma – anterior to crown marma

Dakṣiṇa – abdominal purification actions when only the right muscles of the abdomen are contracted

Dhamanī marma – prominent marma of arteries

Dhāraṇā – concentration, 6th limb of yoga

Dharma – duty, righteous actions

Dhouti – cleansing the stomach

Dhyāna – meditation, 7th limb of yoga

Dugddhaneti – nasal cleansing with milk

Ghṛtaneti – nasal cleansing with ghee

Glāni – stupor

Guda marma – anus marma

Haṭha yoga – type of yoga – physical yoga (Haṭha – “force”), system of physical techniques such as āsana, prāṇāyāma, kriyā and etc. which help bring peace to the mind and body and prepare for deeper spiritual practices (meditation)

Haṭhayoga Pradipikā – main text written by Swami Svātmārāma that focusses on cleaning body and mind to prepare for “Samādhi”. Pradipikā means self illuminating or “that which illumines”.

Hṛdaya marma – heart marma

Ida nadi –left channel that connects with left nostril, feminine/moon energy

Iśvara-praṇidhāna – devotion or surrender to the Lord or truth of oneness

Iyengar yoga – type of yoga – intense focus on the subtleties of each posture, poses are held much longer than in other types of yoga for purposes of precise musculoskeletal alignment within each āsana. Blocks, belts, bolsters, chairs, blankets and etc are used to accommodate injuries, tightness or structural imbalances.

Jagrat – waking state, conscious mind

Jalaneti – nasal cleansing with salt water

Jñyana yoga – type of yoga – the path of knowledge, self reallization through inner knowledge, insight and study

Kālantara Prāṇahara – Type of marma if injured – death occurs but after sometime

Kapāla – front part of the skull

Kapālbhāti – Breath of Fire, purification breathing exercise that involves short and strong forceful exhalations and inhalation

Karma yoga – type of yoga – the path of selfless service

Kriyā – actions

Kriyā yoga – type of yoga – the path of action, movement, particularly the internal unfoldment of Prāṇa and mind, to prepare for deep meditation

Kṣara – alkalis extracted from various herbs

Kṣarakarma – application of herbal alkalis

Kumbhaka – retention of breath

Kuṇḍalinī yoga – type of yoga – the path of yoga of uniting Shakti (primordial energy) with Shiva (pure consciousness), teaching control over the dormant power of Kuṇḍalinī

Lepa – herbal paste

Madhyama – abdominal purification actions, central contractions of the abdomen

Majjavaha Srotas – marrow, nerve channel

Maṃsa marma – prominent marma of muscle tissue

Maṃsavaha Srotas – muscle channel

Mantra yoga – type of yoga – uses mantras to awaken the self and deepen the meditative aspects through focusing on sound, duration and number of repetitions.

Mar – to kill

Marma – vital point of the body

Marmāghāta – marma injury

Marmāni – plural form of Marma, vital points of the body

Medovaha Srotas – fat channel

Mūrcha – syncope

Mūrdhani marma – head crown marma

Mūtravaha Srotas – urine channel

Nābhi marma – umbilicus marma

Nauli – abdominal purification actions

Neti – nasal cleansing

Nirodha – mental control

Niyama – one of the eight limbs of yoga – personal observance, rules of behavior, 2nd limb of yoga

Padmāsana – Lotus pose, cross legged sitting pose with each foot placed on the opposite thigh

Patana – sudden falls

Pingala nāḍī – right channel that connects with right nostril, male/sun energy

Pradeha – thick paste

Pralāpa – incoherent speech

Pralepa – thin paste

Pramoha – in coordination of the senses

Prāṇa bīja – seed sound of the energy and vitality (mantra OM)

Prāṇavaha Srotas – air channel

Prānāyāma – breathing techniques, exercises, 4th limb of yoga

Pratyāhara – withdrawal of senses, 5th limb of yga

Purīṣavaha Srotas – feces channel

Rāja yoga – type of yoga – the royal path yoga, path of meditation, self realization (Samādhi) through a combination of knowledge, devotion and service

Raktavaha Srotas – blood channel

Rasavaha Srotas – plasma, lymph channel

Recaka –  exhalation

Rujakara – Type of marma, if injured causes signs & symptoms of  – pain

Sadya Prāṇahara – one of the signs&symptoms of injured marma – immediate death causing

Sahastrāra – main brain center

Samādhi – the state of highest self realization, enlightenment, 8th limb of yoga

Sandhi marma – prominent marma od bony joints

Sankalpa – a resolve, a short simple statement of an individual aim

Śankha marma – temple marma

Santoṣa – contentment

Satya – truthfulness

Śavāsana – Corpse pose, laying on the back pose for relaxation

Setubandhāsana – Bridge pose, inverted back bending pose

Siddhāsana – Accomplished pose, seated yoga posture traditionally used for long periods of meditation

Sirā marma – prominent marma of veins

Sirāvedha – blood letting

Śītali – cooling breath, breathing technique through the mouth by curling the sides of the tongue and breathing through the created “straw” like passage

Śitkarī – hissing breath, cooling breath technique done through the gap between teeth.

Śivarandhra marma – posterior crown marma

Snāyu marma – prominent marma of tendons and ligaments

Śouca – purity

Srastangata – ptosis

Sthapanī marma – third eye marma

Sucikarma – acupuncture

Śuddhi – purification

Śuddhikriya – purification actions

Śukravaha Srotas – reproduction channel

Suryabhedana Prānāyāma – “Sun piercing breath”, breathing technique by inhaling fully through the right nostril, holding the breath and then exhaling through the left nostril.

Suśumnā nadi – center channel that travels straight up the spine through the center of all the chakras

Suśupti – unconscious mind, deep conscious sleep, total memory

Sūtraneti – nasal cleansing with waxed cotton string or rubber catheter

Svadhyāya – study of self and scriptures

Swapna – subconscious mind, dream state, individual memory and mind

Swedavaha Srotas – sweat channel

Tāḍāsana – Mountain pose, standing pose

Tantra Yoga – practice of combination of asana (poses), mantra, mudra (finger combination), bandha (energy lock) and chakra work

Tapas – austerity

Trāṭaka – cleansing exercises for the eyes done by steady gazing at a ghee lamp

Udakavaha Srotas – water channel

Uḍḍiyāna – abdominal purification actions, abdominal muscle lock that help the diaphragm to be raised and give good massage from downward to the heart

Uḍḍiyāna Bandha – abdominal muscle lock

Ujjai Pranayam – Victorious breath, diaphragmatic breath through the nose which first fills the lower belly rises to the lower rib cage and finally moves into the upper chest and throat.

Urdhva vāta – eructation

Uṣnatva – hotness

Vaikalyakara – one of the signs & symptoms of injured marma – disability causing

Vāma Nauli Calana – abdominal purification actions when only the left muscles of the abdomen are contracted

Varma – a bodily site that requires protection

Vedanā – severe pains

Vicesta – improper movement

Vidyā – knowledge

Vinyāsa yoga – type of yoga – movement synchronized with breath in a vigorous style based on a rapid flow of poses through Sun Salutations

Viṣalyghnakara – one of the signs & symptoms of injured marma – causes death when a foreign object is removed

Vṛkṣāsana – Tree pose, balancing pose

Yama – one of the eight limbs of yoga – self restraints, rules of social conduct, 1st limb of yoga

Yin yoga – type of yoga – a slow paced style in which poses are held for five minutes or longer

Yoga Nidrā – method of exploring the different layers of the mind in a very relaxed state, it’s a joyrney through mind

Yoga Śāstra – science about yoga

Yuj – to unite, attach, join